17 March 2009

summer at roehampton

is going to be so sweeeeeeeet

4 March 2009


god bless laughing gas. seeing thom nearly die from doing 4 bullets in one balloon was pretty wicked.

its been absolutely ages since my last update. not much has happened really apart from usual goings on with uni. had one of the most memorable nights so far for my brothers birthday. got obliterated and threw up into a mcdonalds bag. so good.

i think i've finally settled at uni. although before i was having ridiculous amounts of fun with loads of different people doing different stuff all the time, the people i spend all my time with now are the people that are gonna stick out in my memory for the remainding 2 and a bit years i have left at roehampton. some people have changed, and i don't like it. it's hard to try and analyise people that you've only known for 6 or so months. it's the easiest thing to recognise a change in someone you've known for years, so it's not good not knowing what is wrong with certain people. oh welll, i'm still lovin' it so i guess thats all that matters.

in other news, as much as i loved living in my halls when i first got here in september, stuff has changed and i absolutely hate it. fake smiles and fake conversations with people who you just cant be bothered with anymore is horrible. little cliques, food stealing, tramps with no cutlery or plates using my stuff, not putting it back, the list goes on. i don't wanna move off campus. i couldn't think of anything worse then when june 6th rolls around and i have to leave this room and building for good, but theres a part of me now that just can't fucking wait. there is people now that i look forward to not seeing every day. next year is gonna be so fresh and exciting and well good.

i know everyone says and thinks it, but i'm looking forward to summer so much. the thought of reading festival makes me want to poo myself. i dunno what it is with me and that festival. its almost as if i was born just to look forward to it every year and go and have the best 5 days of the year. its probably because you get to drink a copious amount of alcohol and literally do what you want which is all i want to do (and is pretty much what i do anyway)

my course is still boring. attending the minimum lectures as possible and putting in the least effort into work is not really how i wanted to be at uni. i've been like it all my life, through school and college but i wanted to try knuckle down here. it just isn't gonna happen. i guess theres always 2nd year!


7 January 2009

its been over a month...

..since my last post. i told myself that i wouldn't leave it this long between posts, but i guess i've been preoccupied with stuff.

so i'm currently sitting on the computer back at my home in burnham. it's been so good coming back for christmas, although it's so weird to think that the first term of university has finished already and theres only a couple of months left until its over. but not up for thinking about that just yet. but yea, it's the nicest feeling coming back home and settling back into normal live again. everything has stayed exactly the same. can't remember if i've said this before on here, but it's so reassuring to know i can come back and nothing has changed and i still have a great, close knit group of friends.

christmas was alright. standard as every year. got my benicassim ticket as my main present which was sweeeeet, and then a few other things like dvds, aftershave, money. and not forgetting my pack of 2 boxers from my nan. stupid old bitch.
missed going out into Reading loads. never had one bad night out there. getting so so drunk beyond belief, eating mayonnaise because i can't even see what is going into my mouth, and then getting diamond geezer lemon squeezer taxi ride home. love reading.
new years was good, went to brighton with everyone and stayed at tris' house. went to the shittest place which didnt even have a countdown at midnight, so completely missed that.

i downloaded loads of music the other day. i'm not really into downloading loads of new music because i'm not the sort of person to be able to sit and listen to albums and take it all in. my concentration span is awful. but i'm glad i did it because i was getting bored of listening to the same music, and only having one or two songs by a band rather than getting a full album. prime example of this is modest mouse. only had 2 songs, and loved them both loads. so i got the 2 albums that the songs feature on, and they are awesome. it's weird to think theres so much music out there that could be perfect for your tastes, but i'd never get round to finding it or listening to it cause i'm so lazy when it comes to music.

coming to the end of the christmas break and i'm realllllly looking forward to going back to roehampton. i think the short break away from uni has made me appreciate how good the last term has been and i'm welll up for it all over again, plus ten times more antics and ten times more meetings with the welfare officer.

4 December 2008

people = shit

finally finished my 3 days of slipknot. i'm so tired and ready to collapse but enjoyed every minute of the last 3 evenings. doing something that doesn't involve shoes is gooood. i did my first ever bar work last night. it was scary at first, and the first pint i poured was three quarters throth, but after a while i got used to it and loved it (got bare tips aswell).

everything else is going good. tris and laurie are coming to roehampton on friday which i'm really exicted about, and then we're going to jennys house for a party. should be a good weekend.

28 November 2008

apollo du hammersmith

i got a job at the hammersmith apollo today. start on monday night. should be awesome, gonna be weird working at a venue but i can't wait. i'm working monday tuesday and wednesday night. guess which band is playing all 3 nights....?

22 November 2008

i hate shoes

today i decided that i didn't wanna work at schuh anymore. i used to work at the one in Reading, so i got a job at the new one in Westfield because it was an effortless task to get employed again for obvious reasons. unfortunately, everyone who worked there is rubbish and it generally was shit. so while getting ready to go in today, i was thinking "do i really wanna go?" the answer was no. so alas, i didn't go, and i don't plan to return. i'll probably regret this seeing as i'm £900 overdrawn, but hey, you only live once so who cares.

some cool stuff has happened since my last post. went to the fez club on wednesday for chav night. went into putney with the boiz (and alice) to get some stuff to wear. got some ridiculous tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt from sports direct.com. so cheap, it was so good. got really drunk and ended up throwing up in johnny's sink. good night. thursday it was bands night which was rubbish, but southern comfort was £1 all night, so had to get drunk. then got back and booked my flights to valencia for benicassim next year. really looking forward to that its gonna be sweeeet. yesterday (friday) i went home to get my car and bring it back to uni. its gonna be good having it here for the rest of the term because it means i dont have to get on a packed bus and travel back from asda with 4 bags full of really heavy shopping. buses are shit.
then last night was the beauty and geek bop. i went as a geek and got so drunk through my straw glasses. god bless.
tonight i'm heading home for the evening with rosie to see tris, laurie, jack and jess x2. its gonna be wicked to catch up with everyone.

18 November 2008

first post

its 3am in the morning and i'm pretty bored. i've always been interested in reading other people's blogs so i thought i'd finally make my own. not sure if i'll keep up with it, but i'm gonna try my best.

so yea, i'm currently sitting in my room at university. i've been here for 8 weeks now and i can't believe how fast these weeks have gone. i'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, but either way i've had the most incredible 8 weeks of my life. i knew university would be good before i arrived, but i didn't think it would be as good as it has been. i live on a floor of roughly 28 people including myself. its pretty wicked, i've made a number of good friends on my floor. unfortuantely some of them are dickheads and need to lighten up, but nevertheless it's pretty sweet.
the first week of university is a bit of a blur, as are most of the other 7. i've never drank so much alcohol in a such a short amount of space in my life. it's weird thinking back to the first few days, even weeks where i was still trying to find my feet, find the people who i get on with most etc. alot of stuff has changed already, but as it stands i'm so happy with the friends i have made here.
so many memories already, most taking place in the kitchen on my floor. somehow, with joint efforts we created this game called the megaslide. we have a table and 2 benches in the centre of the kitchen, much like the tables you'd get at primary school, the ones that fold away with the metal legs. well yea, the idea of the megaslide is to pick the table up from one end so it forms a slide, and then pick up the nearest object you can find and sliding it down. it probably doesn't sound that great to anyone who hasnt witnessed a slide before, but believe me, when you're drunk its the best thing.

this is the end result of one megaslide. possibly one of my favourite pictures.

but yea, theres so much to say about university that i don't know how to explain it to anyone who asks. which is a shame because there is so much i want to say, so many stories to tell but i guess its just something you have to be there to experience.

i miss my friends at home alot. tonight has very much been a night of reminicising about old times, in particular the last 2 years of my life. looking through old pictures on facebook makes me the happiest person. i really do have the most amazing group of friends, and i'm so grateful for it. i'm so excited about christmas, and plans for next summer. as i said before, i've made really good friends here at university, but i love you all loads (you know who you are) and i can't wait to see you all.

it's getting pretty late, probably should go to sleep. i have a lecture at 1 tomorow, although technically its not really a lecture because its a screening of some rubbish film i'd imagine. its funny mentioning lectures, as the whole point of going to university is to get a degree, but so far the academic side of university life has hardly even mattered. from what i've experienced so far, my course is fucking bollocks. film is nothing like how it was at college. i have to do compulsory modules, one being film history & criticism which is literally the most toilet thing, watching 1920's silent films for 3 hours. and english is pretty shit. i have to do a module in lingusitics which is the biggest load of bullshit i've ever heard. the lecturer looks like maxine carr, shes an absolute arsehole who teaches us about what part of your mouth makes certain sounds. like i actually care. at the end of the day, you speak, and whatever happens happens. i can't wait to fail this year.

so that concludes my first post. here's some pictures to sum up the last 8 amazing weeks. see ya