4 December 2008

people = shit

finally finished my 3 days of slipknot. i'm so tired and ready to collapse but enjoyed every minute of the last 3 evenings. doing something that doesn't involve shoes is gooood. i did my first ever bar work last night. it was scary at first, and the first pint i poured was three quarters throth, but after a while i got used to it and loved it (got bare tips aswell).

everything else is going good. tris and laurie are coming to roehampton on friday which i'm really exicted about, and then we're going to jennys house for a party. should be a good weekend.


Unknown said...

move into LA00 mate! found out one of our flatmates has moved out already and another one wants to go after christmas!

jackmarge said...

People are tai
im not though, so thats alright.